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Grow Your Home Practice

Updated: Jul 21, 2020

Over the past few weeks I returned from traveling abroad and I isolated from other people with my brother at home where we practiced yoga together.

I also had a few weeks where I stayed alone and practice yoga at home.

Did anyone else find that this was a beautiful peaceful time to slow down and rest?

I haven't been home for this long, ever! As traveling is a huge part of my work.

Thank you:

A big thank you to all who are supporting our studio through these times. Our online classes and community continues to grow. Thank you to the numerous teachers and individuals who have donated and continue to donate their time to keep sharing the yoga. Special thank you to all the individuals who have generously made monetary donations as well. It is because of this strong community coming together that we are able to keep our doors open and continue to share the yoga.

We want to thank you

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